Thursday, March 18, 2010


Being in a relationship can be fun and exciting because it brings new memories and experiences to your life. You feel new emotions toward a person while you get to know them, never knowing what to expect next -- hopefully, only the best.

But what if your girlfriend keeps comparing you to her ex-boyfriend? What do you do then? It's understandable that we all have benchmarks when it comes to love; standards which we hope to exceed. This only makes sense.

If comparisons to your girlfriend’s ex (assuming her ex-boyfriend met certain standards) become a daily routine, however, then you might have a problem. "My old boyfriend had a bigger car, my ex used to kiss better, my ex used to cal more often, my ex this, my ex that." You can see how this can quickly become a problem.

Inadvertently, your girlfriend is always looking for a steady and loving boyfriend. So, since she's not with the ex anymore, it's obviously because she's on the lookout for someone better (unless he dumped her hard and fast). And her way of gauging where you measure up to her ex(s) is to compare you with her tainted past. Some women do it subconsciously, some simply make mental comparisons, while others don't beat around the bush, and tell you up close and personal what the deal is.

I'm pretty sure these women don't realize the negative effects this can have on men; if they did, they would think twice before they spoke in order to avoid placing their Gucci heels in their lipstick-stained mouths. But women should know how this affects us.

Wanting great things when in love is perfectly normal, but often times, women have a tendency to shoot for the stars and never look down. The problem is that if they find anything less than a stellar individual, they pass. You can see how troublesome this can be for them, as the constant search for eternal love is frustratingly never appeased.

To give you a hands-on approach, I used to date a lady that used every ex-boyfriend as a launching pad to select her new beaus, which, if you ask me, is a disaster waiting to happen.

An old girlfriend of mine would use everything around her, not just ex-flings, as a means of comparison: "look how this guy is buying his girlfriend gifts and flowers see how the birds sing in unison," and so on.

"If you were really sorry, you'd buy me flowers." Now how does buying flowers and showing up unannounced at her doorstep on a rainy night make up for a mistake I might have made? It doesn't. The problem here is that she was comparing this love to the one found in movies, with the "happily ever after" nonsense!

If you're asking yourself how this relates to your girlfriend comparing you to her ex, then you're on the right track. What I mean is that it doesn't really matter what she compares you to, but rather the fact that she is comparing you to something/someone.

So What Do You Tell Her When She Compares You To An Ex?

Next time you have to sit through an interrogation and lecture about how a “relationship expert” thinks a relationship should consist of openness, have your cards ready. If she says you don’t show affection like her ex or send sms or make calls to her for a particular time(s) in a day. Make her realize that relationships should go at a steady tempo and on a gradual increase not at the speed of lightning which will be like a flash in the pan. If you start with calling each other or seeing each other 5 times in a day. You should ask yourself, “Can we sustain this?” If the answer is NO, you know what to do!

Now don't get me wrong, I can understand how not calling or not seeing at all times could be devastating for a woman, but what is more harmful is extrapolating this isolated event towards her new mate's behavior.

My response anyway to this case of paranoia was, "You refer to this guy as your ex for a reason. So don't put me in the same category because you know I'm worth more than that."

This wake-up call usually forces women to open their eyes to reality and cherish what they have in their possession at that moment in time. Women have to understand that there's no use in dwelling over past boyfriend(s) and going for a new and improved 2.0 model that has all the old practical characteristics, plus a couple of new gadgets on the side.

So next time she compares your beliefs and actions to how her ex(s), tell her that she's well on her way to finding another ex under her belt. That should knock some sense into her.


THE usage of beads especially waist bead in Nigeria is wide spread across the various nationalities that make up the nation. There are similarities and peculiarities in their usage.

However, the Yorubas developed the most varying and peculiar uses for the waist beads. The Yorubas have developed a culture of bead usage that cuts across both material and spiritual aspects of the life of the people. In addition, they have also the capacity to produce the beads for varying purposes ranging from royalty, body adornment, deification and decoration.

The Yorubas are found in the South Western geo-political delineation of present day Nigeria. They are a vibrant and social people that accentuate their ways of life in their day-to-day activities.

Beads are usually small round piece of glass, wood, metal or nut, pierced for stringing. They are either used for adornment such as the waist, neck or ankle beads or as decorative ornament in art works or even for royalty purposes.

The art of beading is serial in process and serrated in composition. It has a step by step or one by one approach in stringing when traded together, beads stands for unity, togetherness and solidarity.

Beads of the waist is said to posses the power to attract and evoke deep emotional responses, they are a sign of success and affluence as well as spiritual well being.

The Origin of the Nigerian beads is still speculative due to its fragility portability and popularity.

Beads have been traded and used since time immemorial. However, the earliest known African beads is traced to Libya and Sudan. In Nigeria the Nok terracottes and Igbo Ukwu arts display some element of the usage of beads in those societies as early as 500BC, however there is no concrete statement of origin to the beads.

A common usage of the item is for adornment especially on the waist. There is however varying purpose for which people adorn the waist beads.

The common users of the waist beads are mostly the women folk, only in exceptional theatrical perform as will a man adorn a waist bead to symbolize feminism. The waist bead is synonymous with feminism.

The Yorubas have esteemed usage attached to the waist beads. They refer to the waist bead as Ileke, "Lagidigba" the term lagidigba means something big, thick or massive. The Lagidigba is made of palm nut shells string together, while the bebe is made of glass.

The Yorubas have a belief that the waist beads posses some erotic appeal, they have the power to provoke desire or deep emotional response on the opposite sex.

Waist beads in Yoruba are also used for birth control, the beads are laced with charms and worn by the women to prevent conception.

Beads are a precious ornaments to the Yorubas, hence when adorned by a women, accentuates her feminism or beauty. Beads also helps to portray the chastity of a maiden or women sensuality. Parent show their love for their girl child through gifts of waist beads that are colourful and expensive.

The lagidigba or palm nut shell beads is used for fecundity purposes. The nuts signify multiple births as they are in clusters, thus one can infer the high incidence of multiple births in Yoruba land to the usage of the lagidigba bead.

Brides seduce their spouses with the beads they adorn, some women are said to lace their beads with charm to make them irresistible to the male folks. The Yoruba's can easily comment on a women's moral standing in those days by interpretation of the movement of the waist bead adorned by a women. The way she moves her buttocks can depict her morals either seductive or reserve.

The Yorubas have a popular saying that "it is the beads that makes the buttocks to shake".

Other users of the waist beads in Yoruba land are the Orisas or devotes of water deities and other priestesses, they adorn the waist beads for protection against spiritual attacks as well as part of their dress regalia.

The waist bead is also used to adorn the Ere-Ibeji figurine on the death of a twin, there is the belief that when treated well the spirit of the spirit of the dead twin will not harm the living twin and will return to the family to stay.

Waist beads are also adorned and laced with charms to ward away the Abiku spirit (mermaid Spirit) from a woman.

song says;

Don't flirt with me

Don't flirt with me as you do with your husband.

Don't wriggle your waist beads at me

Don't lock the door on me and throw

Away the key.

Apart from the Yorubas, other groups in Nigeria also have similar usages of the waist beads in their culture the Ogonis in Rivers State refer to beads as Loo, its uses range from covering the private parts of a women to adornment as a sign of affluence. The beads is a measure of value to the Ogonis and are also worn by bride as part of her bridal rites. The Igbos called it Mgbaji, also for adornment and a sign of social status.

The Hausas refer to it as Jigida. To the Kalabaris, the waist bead has the potency of transforming an ugly woman into a beautiful maiden once it is worn. The Ibibios see it as Nkwa-Isin, they adorn it on a female baby to help give her a good waist line, as she grows, beads of her size are adorned on her.

Priestesses of deities also wear the beads that are always colourful as part of their regalia. They also use the waist beads laced with charm s for birth control. The maiden dances (Aban) also wear the beads doing dance to give a graceful hip movement when they dance.

Waist bead in today's fashion is relegated, ladies have a preference for western costumes such as belts, chains, g-strings to the waist beads. The culture of waist bead is going down rapidly to extinction. Religion and other spiritual reasons have been adduced for the neglect, however it must be pointed out that waist bead usage as practiced in the past is an essential element of African body adornment that is harmless and meaningful a pride and precious item which should be encourage to day.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


For decades, the inter-gender relationship dynamic was set: older man, younger woman. There are a variety of theories on why: Men are more visual, opting for younger healthier women; females are more emotional, opting for men with more experience; older men offer women more stability; women mature faster than men; daddy issues; his first two wives died during childbirth; etc.

However, this dynamic began to skew with the sexual revolution of the '60s. Mainstream culture caught on and suddenly it became so hip for women to take younger guys that even teachers everywhere began sleeping with their students. The term "cougar," sadly, has entered everyday vocabulary.
Nowadays, the question is not whether dating an older woman is appropriate, fun or sexy. The real question has become whether this is a passing fancy, or will it surpass the ancient dynamic of older man/younger woman? Here we answer, definitively, which is better. We consider younger women to be between 18 and 25 years old. Older women are 33 to 45. Anything younger is illegal and any older is like doing your mom. (we are talking to young men of 20 to 40)

Should you date an older or younger woman? We have six criteria for you to consider.
Let’s state the obvious, younger women tend to have better bodies. Their metabolisms are still high, no stress lines have set in, and their skin is full of collagen and elasticity. However, let’s not completely rule out older women here. They have their own bank accounts with which they can pay for personal trainers. Many men still sneer at the idea of any cosmetic surgery, but we’re entering a time when people can maintain their looks, not change them.
Winner: Younger women.

The knee-jerk reaction here is to think college co-eds juxtapose sorority girls in porn flicks. That’s not the case. The truth of the matter is most younger women don’t have much experience. "The virgin" sounds great until you realize how awkward and nervous she becomes between the sheets. How many guys at 30 just want to make out for hours? Sure, younger women tend to have more energy than their older counterparts and there is something fun about being the person that teaches them new positions. For years, she’ll think you’re better in bed than you actually are just because she lacks comparison. However, older women know what they want; they’re more confident and more likely to get freaky. Hell, she’ll buy you a drink and she’ll expect something in return.
Winner: Older women

Younger women don’t have a lot of options for work at their age. Most are in school, working in the service industry or just starting their entry-level position. As a man, you should pay for date night, but you don’t want her hitting you up when she misses rent. If she bartends, do you want to be the guy on the end of the bar every night waiting for her? Young 20-something’s aren’t going to be familiar with your strife to become middle management. Older women will appreciate talks about career highs and lows. Plus, she’ll be more likely to pick up a few tabs, for women’s equality sake, and will surprise you with great gifts. She’s definitely had her share of boyfriends, so she knows men prefer a new iPhone over a mix CD.
Winner: Older women
Any woman in her 30s or above has been treated poorly by a number of men. Unfortunately, that means you have to answer for all that mistreatment, and prove you’re not an asshole like the others, plus live up to the high water mark of being her last good boyfriend. That’s a lot of pressure. Younger women are blank slates. All you have to do is prove you’re better than her high school boyfriend. Easy, you drive a car worth more than N1,000,000.00K. Older women are thinking serious commitments and babies. Younger women are in the moment. Just don’t get too hung up on the youthful ones, she’ll drop everything and follow someone else to Belize tomorrow.
Winner: Younger women

Inevitably, the first question that guys ask after you tell them you’re dating a woman 10 years younger is: “What the hell are you going to talk about?” With the internet and availability of information, the pop culture divide is not what it used to be. It’s easier for older people to stay current on music, fashion and trends, but younger women live to stay current on popular culture. She’ll update your clothes and music quicker than 50 Google searches. Also, her events calendar will likely be packed with fun things to do, which keeps the relationship fresh. DVDs of Lost or 24 are fun sometimes, but not all the time.
Winner: Younger women

This category isn’t even close. Younger women will look up to you and you’ll be the boss in the relationship. A number of older women who are still single are career oriented. They are used to being the boss at work and her brain is set to her ways. The brain of a young woman is like a sponge and you can pretty much squeeze whatever you want into it.
Winner: Younger women

Sorry older women. You’ve come very far in the last 10 years, but younger women are still beating you right now. Be happy you’ve made such strides, and in another 10 years it may be even closer yet. Guys, don’t count the older women out. They can obviously teach you some important things -- just don’t come whining to us when they boss you around.


She’s arching her back, moaning and groaning, You’re impressed by your ability to make her squirm like that, but deep down your thoughts race between: "What if she’s faking?" and "If not, how do I hit this magic button again?" If you’ve ever been there, or for that matter would like to find yourself in that enviable position, check out these four tricks to make her orgasm.

Smell is the strongest of the five senses when it comes to sexual functioning for two reasons: First, since anything musky mimics testosterone, it’ll kick her libido into high gear. Baby powder can have a similar effect by activating her “scent print,” which links babies to procreation. Second, because smell, sex and memory centers share close quarters in the brain, the scent of arousal leaves the most lasting impression. The second she gets a whiff of your musky cologne, she’ll be transported back to the last time she smelled it on your body.

Every guy knows that when a woman hits the sack she loves to wedge her cold feet between his legs to warm up. Warm feet do more to make a woman physically comfortable than just about anything else -- even more so if you want her completely naked, which is not likely to happen if she’s cold, even with the lights off. What most of you probably didn’t realize was the importance of warm feet in increasing the likelihood of her experiencing an orgasm. According to Dutch scientists from the University of Groningen, the odds are increased by 30%. Maybe leaving the socks on isn’t such a bad idea after all. If you want to try something sexier, a foot massage with a warming gel can do wonders, especially if you concentrate on the pads of her toes and the webbing in between, which are linked to her nether zones according to reflexology charts. Moreover, lips, hands, feet, and genitals get the lion’s share of brain space, where feet and genital centers are neighbors, making them share sexy information. Why else do you think women call shoe shopping “retail therapy” -- especially when they’re not getting any at home and feeling bummed out? So socks or stilettos, you choose, as long as they’re keeping her tootsies warm.

When zoning in between her legs, just as you appreciate her indulging more than just your package, she’d like you to go for more than her hood ornament. If you run your tongue around her clitoral head, concentrating on the 10 o’ clock and 2 o’clock marks on either side, and then gently slip your tongue beneath the hood, you’ll have her moaning from ecstasy. While bang-on is too sensitive, those two sweet spots will make sure that she takes a licking and keeps on ticking, thanks to the bulbs hidden just beneath. The best way to pull off this maneuver is to have her straddle your face as you lay comfortably on your back. She’ll get to lean into the headboard so she can drive the action with ease, since you’ve put her in charge.

Touch on the right side of a woman’s spine makes her melt more so than the left side, perhaps because the left side of the brain controls her right side and it's the logical side that can talk her into anything. Whether you’re kissing her there, stroking her or gently teasing her with a tickler, just make sure your moves are curvy. You’ll cover more mileage, not to mention get better mileage out of your touch, since it’s significantly more intense than a straight touch.

Time for you to take your tricks for a test drive. With all that attention, her skin will be flushed, her pupils dilated, parts of her shaking, and those she can steady, she’ll be pushing into you -- until she’s done and can’t take anymore, that is. Now that’s how to make her ORGASM for real.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


One of the benefits of being in a long-term relationship is that you have someone that you can readily depend on for regular sex. For guys especially, this is a very important part of a commitment to another person. However, it is precisely when you start to expect sex from your girlfriend that she starts using that presumption against you. Some women make a habit of withholding sex from their partners, while some only do it under very specific circumstances. To men, this seems like cruel and unusual punishment. Of course, there is a difference between a woman simply not wanting to have sex and purposefully withholding it. When a woman withholds sex, she’s trying to send a message. Here are some of the reasons she might cut you off and what you can do about it.

This is probably the most common reason that women withhold sex. If you’ve done something that made her furious, she may not be above punishing you by keeping the one thing you really, really want out of your reach. The last thing a woman wants to do when she’s feeling any kind of negative emotion, whether it’s mad, sad, frustrated, annoyed, stressed, or worn out, is get busy between the sheets. While many guys can turn off the unpleasant feelings and get down to business, a woman finds it more difficult to push those emotions aside and get aroused. You might be satisfied with angry, violent sex, but she wants to work out her anger before she jumps into bed.
The solution to this is to find out why she’s upset and try to fix it. Sometimes simply acknowledging that you’ve done something wrong is enough to make her calm down. Other times, the only way to get out of the doghouse is to participate in one of those long, heartfelt conversations in which you share feeling

If she’s keeping the good loving from you, it may be an attempt to assert her power over you and the relationship. If there’s one area of a relationship women think they have control over, it’s sex. She may just be doing it to show you who’s boss in bed or she may be compensating for feeling powerless in some other aspect of her life. Maybe she has a cruel boss, a domineering best friend or an overprotective mother.
If you suspect that she’s withholding sex to assert herself, the easiest way to get the carnal door open again is to compliment her sexual abilities and prowess. This may seem counter-intuitive, but if you acknowledge how much you appreciate her in bed she may realize that trying to prove her status is unnecessary.

Another reason women withhold sex is to get something out of you. When no other methods of getting what she wants are working, she might resort to revoking your sex privileges until you agree to what she’s after. This will usually be a pretty big thing. Generally, she’s not going to bother holding out on you in order to get you to take out the garbage.
The easiest way to get around this is to give her what she wants. If that’s not a possibility, you’ll have to appeal to her sense of reason. If that doesn’t work, try giving her something similar to what she wants. If you can’t make that happen, you might have to wait it out and service yourself until she comes to her senses.

She could be avoiding sex with you because she’s not enjoying it. Some women are embarrassed by the idea of talking about sex with their partners, especially if there is a problem. So instead of telling you what’s wrong, she might just close up shop.
To get around her sex ban in this case, try suggesting something new sexually. Take her to a sex shop and buy something fun for both of you. Buy a book with suggestions on how to spice things up. If you show some interest and put some effort into making some changes, she may open up again.

Maybe she’s not putting out because she’s just too damn tired. Perhaps you want to do it more often than she does, and she just can’t keep up. Other life demands might be stressing her out and keeping her busy too, making her too worn out to enjoy sex as often as you’d like.
To get her back into the idea, pamper her with some relaxing treats beforehand. Draw her a bubble bath or give her a massage. If she’s relaxed, she’s more likely to feel sexy. Or, you could be truly unselfish and devote your time entirely to her pleasure for one night, making her more likely to want to return the favor another time. Also, you might consider cutting back a bit on the frequency. Instead of going to her every time you’re aroused, take matters into your own hands every now and again.

It is a possibility that she’s kicking you out of bed because she’s more interested in having sex with some other guy. If this is the case you have bigger problems than lack of sex in your relationship. If you suspect that she is cheating on you (and you should have more reasons than just a decline in your sex routine), confront her with your suspicions calmly and listen to her explanation. If you find out she is cheating, you’ll have to decide if you want to work on things or move on.


Women withhold sex because men let them get away with it. It’s pretty clear it’s the one thing that most guys can’t live without and that they’ll do pretty much anything to keep it coming on a regular basis. If you and your girlfriend can openly communicate, you should be able to talk through these issues as they come up instead of getting to the point where she’s closing her legs while you’re begging for it.


Becoming a writer: to many people this sounds like an easy job, but being a writer does not mean just putting words correctly on paper; writing has to come from the heart.

Here are some tips to consider when deciding to pursue this career.

1. Your heart must be in it: if you start writing and the words do not flow, or you have to force your thoughts to get them on paper, this is not going to be a love for you. Most well-known writers have been known to write thoughts and feelings much better than being able to speak them.

2. Being a good writer doesn't mean just a person who can spell well. Many writers get so caught up in their writing or typing that they may indeed make many typos, so do not let this issue disturb you. As a matter of fact, many great writers have people who actually proofread for them, because when the words just seem to pour out, so do many typos.

3. To start writing, pick subjects that you really feel deep in your heart. Anyone can take a subject and give you facts, but a good writer also shows you heart behind the words, so start slowly by picking subjects you really have a feel for. This will give you a better article.

4. Practice... we have heard time and time again that practice makes perfect. This is true with any career. You will continue to get better as you go along, so if your first article doesn't make the grade, don't give up, just try harder.

5. Be a good reader. Before you become a great writer you first need to spend lots of time being a good reader. Read all kinds of stuff: fiction, nonfiction, children's books, everything. This will give you a feel for how the words will look and sound on paper.

6. Finally, decide what kind of writer you want to be after you have written in all different fields; test the waters.

7. After you write some things, have others read your work and give you an opinion. I have found it's best not to use family members, because they will always tell you it is good, and they won't point out the errors. You need someone who is a good critic, as that is the only way you will learn.

8. Be prepared for let-downs, especially when you first start writing. Remember everyone doesn't start out being good, at least not right away. Never let any bad remarks about your work get you discouraged; learn from your mistakes and learn from your critics. Some of the advice you get may help you to one day become that great writer you have always dreamed you would be.

9. Submit your work to many places to get noticed. Now with the World Wide Web it makes it so much easier for writers to get their work seen, and once you get you reputation established people will even ask you to submit your work.

10. Save as many copies of your words as possible. You may find once you write it you may not be able to re-write your work twice. Keep journals of when you wrote your work; this will also give you a chance to look back on all of the stuff you have ever created.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Relationships are hard! You don’t need Oprah, a rocket scientist or your pastor to fill you on this fact. There is no perfect formula for a successful romantic relationship. So many people who are extremely successful in other aspects of life find themselves disheartened because they feel they ‘fail’ at relationships. No one has all the answers but I’m hoping we can work together to help one another out.

So many women lament that ‘it never seems to work’…’something always goes wrong’ etc…
Maybe you think you don’t know how to establish a good relationship with that special somebody. But you can! It’s a give and take thing.
OK, let’s try a few things. Some of these might seem simplistic but sometimes basic advice is best!

Can you claim to be in a relationship and not be totally committed? I think not. If you don’t chose to “commit” to the other person, then it’s time to get stepping. We live in a society where we constantly hear advice like ‘you better have a backup in case he messes up!’. If you feel you need a ‘backup’ then that relationship is not worth being in. Genuine commitment is always a number one priority. Make up your mind to give your all to that special one and everything else follows and begins to fall in place. Being in a relationship is a serious affair. Like, it’s no joke and it‘s heartbreaking when one person is not investing in the simple act of commitment. Total commitment is a sign of mutual respect and responsibility. If it’s not there, you may need to start re-evaluating your relationship.

Quit Fronting, Be You
What is a relationship without freedom? A solid and meaningful relationship is the ability to express yourself. Seriously, you just need to quit playing Ms or Mr. Perfect. What is that? BE YOU!!! I beg of you. Fart because you can. Be free because you can’t afford not to! I know one married couple that the wife swears that her husband has never seen her without makeup. Seriously! Fake partners who can’t express the freedom to be themselves should not be in a relationship. Folks, enter into a relationship with the right to be yourself. Think about it like this, how can you choose to confine yourself? Your relationship shouldn’t feel like prison now. C’mon peoples! Shake it off and do you. This stuff really does happen. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much people lack the freedom to express their true self.

Arghhh! Sounds cliché? I know but what is a relationship without trust? Let’s see, you don‘t trust your partner and you expect your relationship to work? Yea, sure. I think we underestimate the importance of trust in a relationship. It is vital and it’s creates peace. Women especially need to start letting go of the ‘men can’t be trusted’ mindset. It’s just draining. Don’t be a mugu, and don’t be super gullible either. Let yourself trust, and if you get burned, learn your lessons. Good news is trust and karma go hand in hand. You know what they say, karma is a bitch. Did you trust your loved one and they let you down? You just relax and let karma handle it.

One last thing…

People’s Democratic Relationship
Gossip! People love to hear about other people’s relationship. If someone wants to dish to you about her relationship, then it’s cool. Just fine! But don’t let that someone be you! I know it’s super tempting to want to dish out to your home boys or talk to your girls but just don’t do it. I’m telling y’all. This is one thing that can actually save your relationship. It’s called the power of mute. Think about it like this, when ’wahala hits the fence. You want to know that it’s only you and him that contributed to the success or failure of your union. But what happens when you always seek a fifth and seventh opinion? What happens you call Titi and you vent, and Titi gives her two cents, and then Seyi comes over later at night and then you dish out to her again, tomorrow right after church, Tolu comes over to hang out and she starts talking about her man and dearest you added your own story too. Now that you have lamented, and Titi, Seyi, and Tolu have donated their opinion. Has it solved your problem with your man or your chic? I’m just saying… try to keep it close to your chest for a while or take a decision by yourself!

Sunday, March 7, 2010







Well, blogging is not a totally new experience for me but I have not done it in a very long while and that makes me think i am getting very rusty in my game. I pledge to myself and to my would-be readers that I will always be here telling you things the way I see it and the way I think it is or should be. I will be talking on various issues ranging from Youthfulness, Relationship, Academics, Entertainment, Spiritual, Social, Political and all sorts. as long as the issue(s) affect(s) the human race it shall be discussed here and I hope we will do justice to those issues together.

Note this, I do not claim to be an authority on any issue or topic so i am prone to mistakes but I will try my best to say it the way I think it is or should be, if you don't agree with me, you can always drop your comments, you can always mail me or we can sit at a round table and talk about it. No one has the monopoly of ideas or knowledge so it will be more of sharing what we know because it is fact that we all know in part. I will have guest writers, columnists who have agreed to syndicate their write-ups and any other person who is just interested is saying something to my friends which I know for sure I have so many on Facebook. (thank God for facebook oh, chei!) anyway!!! I am not talking about anything today... But by the Grace of God I will always be here two times in a week to share my thoughts and my experiences with you and I promise you a wonderful time.... till then.......Always know I Reside Here..... yes now! Lolz.....Degreatest signing out!!!!!