Dear Sir,
It is with a heavy heart and deep sorrow I write this. The events of the last weekend left me in a state of disbelief and surprise. It left me feeling really stupid, illogical, irrational, and worst of all naive.
I was up until the events of this last weekend a staunch believer in your rights to run for the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I was a dogged advocate of justice and equity being served by allowing the Niger Delta produce the next President with a real mandate. I am disappointed in the line you chose to tow. Who does the kind of thing you did at this time in a Presidential election year?
In my books, you were the best ever chance the South-south had to get some form of real development to come to the region, to the creeks, to Oloibiri and to Opuekeba. You were the best opportunity to make Shell, Chevron, and all the big oil players to show some respect to the soil of where you were born, the desecrated, scorched and scorned land of your fathers and forefathers. I carried a banner and joined other youths from Eagle Square to the hallowed gates of the National Assembly in Abuja, under the constant danger of the Police suddenly turning maniac and cutting me short in my prime..We all were chanting “Enough is Enough”. Before then, I joined a multitude to scream and rant and vent at the Fountain of Unity in Abuja…all of these asking that the “cabal” release their grasp on power and allow you, sir, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, become President. This was because I thought you were a man of integrity, a simple man with a simple plan – a plan to jettison the still – birthed 7-point agenda and set in motion a real plan to getting electricity stable, get universities properly funded, and deal decisively with the abysmal security in the country. I debated, I argued, I talked everywhere I could about your innocence, about your capability, and about your integrity. Even when last year, terrorists struck severally, killing, maiming, and taking away the virginity of our psyche to such level and sophistication of horror, I still argued your trustworthiness. I didnt allow fear becloud my convictions, I didnt waver in my opinions, I stood resolutely behind you.
Then you struck!
I can remember vividly, in the early days of your campaign, you used a footage of CThief Bode George, you cited him as one of the examples of what your government will do to corrupt public officers, no matter how high they are in society, no matter their estate in life. I hailed the fact that, even though it was seen as a slap on the wrist, the government you were part of sent the aging criminal to jail, effectively turning him into an ex-convict and by virtue of that making him unfit to ever hold public office again and saving us from his hunger for loot. I am sure he tried everything in his power to wriggle free, but still you made sure he completed his term.
So what went wrong? why the sudden volte-face? Why did the whole of the Peoples Democratic Party throng Kirikiri Prisons to go welcome him? A welcome that was befitting enough for a conquering General, a welcome befitting a King, royalty, a welcome even OBJ didnt get when he had his go at gulag time. What is that hidden magic you all realized the criminal had? Did a voice from within the prison walls speak to you sir, that Bode George was your talisman to winning the April elections? Why did you have to do something so preposterous? Something so abominable. With a Phd, I would have expected you to know that Bode George shouldn’t have been touched even via bluetooth!!! but Alas you sent a representative, a senior member of your cabinet, to the shameful church service, presided over by a man of satan who is surely headed for hell. Oh, you probably didnt know what Bode George did? Is that your story Sir? Ok, let me act the fool which you obviously think I am and assume you don’t know, I will hold your hands and tell you what the former Chairman of the NPA did – He stole our money, my money, taxpayers money! He was at the head of a gang of contract inflaters. That was why the honourable court sent him to jail. We all applauded the bravery of the court and the sincerity of the government. So Sir, please tell us, does it mean you condone corruption, or probably even corrupt yourself, or what other thing influenced this very uneducated “mistake”. I have a feeling you were almost kicking yourself for not personally making the welcome party of calumny. I shed a tear inside for what is left of my country.
I see you on TV telling me, and other people who worked their nails off to afford the TV you appear on, that “I am one of you” – how???? How can you be? We applauded the jailing of that ex-convict, you probably wept in your home, you wept because this might be your fate if you commit that kind of atrocity and you were caught. And when he got released, we all wanted him to go home quietly, have a shower and settle down into life as a nobody, we werent happy he got off so easily, we frowned. But I suspect you popped champagne, you jubilated because you suddenly say a ray of hope on the horizon. Sad stuff.
What does this tell us? folks like James Ibori, Lucky Igbinedion, just to mention a few are getting away with their crime, they will all comeback home from exile or jail heralded as heroes. May God punish them all!!
Mr. President, I wish I could add “outgoing” to your title, it would have given me so much joy, but I wont, but I will instead tell you one thing – either the elections are free or not, you have lost my vote, and that of many Nigerian youths who make up about 70% of our dear country, and mark my words sir, we shall come out en-masse on April 9th, and vote and vote till we run out of time and eligible voters. I hope you are taking particular note of happenings around the world, and I hope that will give you pause. Since you have chosen to side with the devil…..we have chosen to side with the power of our votes and our resolve to make Nigeria great again. You wont be left with any other option than to attempt to rig this election. I assure you, God is on our side.
So long Dr. GEJ, see you at the polling booths, and give my regards to your pal, Bode George, tell him that God is merciful, but also a God of wrath and anger. I shall type no more.
God bless our motherland.
Yours Sincerely,
Naija Citizen